In addition to using checks to withdraw funds or pay your bills, Citizens National Bank also offers a better solution for your convenience. Our debit cards can do so much more, and they reduce the burden of purchasing checks and eliminate the risk of running out when you're at the checkout. CNB has two card options to suit your needs!
VISA® Debit Cards
Our debit cards, also referred to as check cards, enhance your checking account by offering you a faster, more economical, more convenient way to buy the products and services you need. It allows you to withdraw funds from your checking account without ever having to write out a check. You can use your debit card wherever VISA® is accepted to purchase groceries, gas, or anything else. Your check card also performs all the functions of an ATM card. You'll no longer have to worry about carrying checks everywhere you go, because your checking, withdrawing, depositing, and transferring can all be done securely from your debit card. To apply, stop by a CNB location and fill out an application today!
Fraud Protection
Your VISA® debit card is assigned a personal identification number, or PIN, as an added safeguard to prevent unauthorized use. In addition, there are daily cash withdrawal limits and point-of-sale purchase limits. Citizens National Bank utilizes 24/7 fraud monitoring services. Our fraud team monitors transactions on your cards and will block anything deemed suspicious, either through manual review or automated algorithms that track the riskiest transactions.
In addition to 24/7 fraud monitoring services, our staff also monitors suspicious activity on reports generated from our card processor, data processor, Visa alerts, and other resources and notifications. As part of our fraud prevention methods, you may be contacted by our staff or our fraud prevention team via phone to verify activity on your card. Our staff will never ask you to provide personal financial information during these calls. We will merely notify you of suspicious activity on your card and ask you to verify if it was authorized as an additional security measure. Our fraud analysts are available for general questions as well.
If our fraud team has contacted you about debit card activity, please call 1-855-961-1602. Make sure to have the case number provided in the fraud team's text message or voicemail. If you ever notice unauthorized or fraudulent charges being made on your account, or if your card is lost or stolen, always contact the bank as soon as possible or contact the above phone number. IF YOUR CARD IS LOST OR STOLEN, CALL 1-877-226-2351 (877-CANCEL-1) IMMEDIATELY.
If you are unable to reach the bank or fraud team: In the U.S. and Canada, to cancel a stolen or lost Visa debit card, call Visa Global Customer Care Services at (800) 847-2911. If you’re outside the U.S. and Canada and you need to deactivate your lost or stolen debit or credit card, you can call collect at (303) 967-1096 or your local toll-free number. For the hearing impaired, please call (800) TDD-1213 in the U.S. or Canada or (305) 278-4285 or (512) 865-2002 in all other countries. A Visa representative will deactivate your debit card and then notify us immediately. In the event that your card was stolen, this swift reporting may help prevent fraudulent use of your card.
Stop identity theft before it even happens - visit the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) consumer website at https://www.identitytheft.gov/ for more information.
Card Safeguards and Advice
- Never give your personal financial information over the phone or engage in a suspicious transaction with your card - contact us immediately if you feel your card or account information has been compromised
- Keep your contact information (phone, e-mail, and address) up to date - we will use this information to contact you in the event we need to verify activity or are closing your card due to it being compromised
- Enroll in online banking to monitor your account on a regular basis and have access to additional card features - notify us immediately if you notice unauthorized or fraudulent activity on your account
- For additional safeguard tips, please click here to view our slideshow that was presented at the 91st Annual Convention of the Ohio Fair Managers Association by Citizens National Bank.
Lost or Stolen Card
Your card is safeguarded by your personal identification number (PIN). In the event it is lost or stolen, your PIN prevents fraudsters or thieves from accessing your accounts. As an added safeguard, there are daily cash withdrawal limits and point-of-sale purchase limits. If your card is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, please contact us immediately during regular banking hours so we can block or close your card and issue you a new one. In the event that we are not open or your call is placed outside normal banking hours, In the U.S. and Canada, to cancel a stolen or lost Visa debit card, call Visa Global Customer Care Services at (800) 847-2911. If you’re outside the U.S. and Canada and you need to deactivate your lost or stolen debit or credit card, you can call collect at (303) 967-1096 or your local toll-free number. For the hearing impaired, please call (800) TDD-1213 in the U.S. or Canada or (305) 278-4285 or (512) 865-2002 in all other countries. A Visa representative will deactivate your debit card and then notify us immediately. In the event that your card was stolen, this swift reporting may help prevent fraudulent use of your card.
Online or Mobile Banking Options
If you have online or mobile banking, you are given the additional feature of blocking your ATM or debit card. This is especially useful if your card is lost, stolen, or compromised when you are unable to contact us.
For online banking, navigate to your settings tab and click ATM / Debit Card. Select the card you wish to flag as lost or stolen and click submit. On mobile banking, access the menu and select Cards. Select the card you wish to suspend or report as lost or stolen. Suspending your card blocks it temporarily, allowing you time to find your card if it is lost. Flagging your card as lost or stolen will permanently block your card.
Note: Flagging your ATM or debit card as lost or stolen is irreversible and will result in your card being permanently blocked. Additional fees will apply if these features are abused. Suspended cards are monitored daily and you will be contacted if your card if left in a suspended state for an excessive period of time.