Knowing when you'll need access to your funds, what type of purchase or expense you're saving for, and the rate of return you expect to receive for your investment are all important factors in choosing how to save your money. Fortunately, Citizens National Bank offers a variety of saving options, including savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit, and Individual Retirement Accounts, so you can find the product that's right for you.
E-Savings - Save Money and Time!
Environmentally friendly savings account that has no service charges with a minimum balance of $50.00. Interest earned is higher than other savings account options. Electronic statements are accessed via secure online banking. If your balance drops below the minimum requirement, there is a $5.00 charge per statement cycle. Interest is compounded daily and paid quarterly. Track your savings anywhere, anytime, even on your mobile device.
Statement Savings - Savings Made Simple!
Retain paper copies of your statements for accurate record-keeping and interest-tracking. This account has no service charges with a minimum balance of $50.00. If your balance drops below the minimum requirement, there is a $5.00 charge per statement cycle. Interest is compounded daily and paid quarterly. Paper statements are mailed to your door or post office box.
Christmas Club - Save for the Holidays!
Looking to set money aside to make paying for Christmas gifts easier? Take advantage of our flexible Christmas Club account. Unlike similar savings accounts, you can contribute any amount at any frequency and even withdraw funds without any penalties. Earn interest on your money while saving for the Christmas season. Christmas Club checks are mailed in October, giving you plenty of time to shop for presents.
Click here to view the current interest rates for all of our deposit account products.
Note: Transaction limits and other restrictions may apply with certain deposit products. Maintaining minimum balance(s) is required to obtain any disclosed annual percentage yields.